Corporate Performance Management is the
effective way to ensure a high level of corporate governance,
including business modelling, planning, forecasting,
budgeting and management reporting. HBA consultants
have many years of experience in all these areas with
a sound knowledge of the market and excellent data warehousing
experience on which many of these solutions depend.
Our consultants will use their business analysis skills
to ensure that your business will gain the visibility
and insight for improved decision making
Business Intelligence:
It is a widely accepted fact that whilst these tools
are commonplace in most organisations, many companies
still struggle with getting the right data to users
and managers and typically only about 20% of the full
functionality of such tools are used in any organisation.
Our in depth knowledge of the market place and broad
experience of these tools mean we are well placed to
help make the right product choice. This experience
combined with strong business analysis skills enables
us to help you get the rewards of improved decision
making from better information.